This is one of those posts that’s just a placeholder for me to remember how to do something, if it helped you too, that’s great.

Original thread on AskUbuntu

  • Assign a new disk to the VM in virt-manager, or using virsh, as you prefer - choose VirtIO for the disk type if you have no other preference. Might also be a good idea to take a snapshot at this point.
  • Enter the VM - handy things to try at this point would be pvdisplay to list the physical volume(s) and show the volume group name(s), then you could try vgdisplay trusty-vg for example
  • Run sudo pvcreate /dev/vdb (or whatever device name is used by the new disk you added).
  • Add the physical volume to the volume group: sudo vgextend trusty-vg /dev/vdb
  • Allocate the physical volume to a logical volume: sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/trusty-vg/root
  • Resize the file system on the logical volume: sudo resize2fs /dev/trusty-vg/root

Yeah it’s simple, but I had it written down in a notebook and forgot which one >.<